The partners of Spreadthesign met in Slovakia

On October 8th-10th, the Spreadthesign partners from 14 different countries had a work meeting in Slovakia, Prešov. The main focus was on discussing the 360-degrees feature in our dictionary, but we also had some time to get to know about the Slovakian history, culture and Deaf education.

From KLÕPS, Kadri Hein-Loik, Mari-Liis Ungerson and Raili Loit attended the meeting and hold presentations about the work progress within the Estonian team, mapping of the 360-degree pictures and documenting the work.

The meeting was very productive and interesting and as always, it was heartwarming to see and talk to everyone again!

KLÕPS as an organisation has been a partner of Spreadthesign since 2015, but most of the Estonian team members have been involved in the work since 2012 already.

A group photo from the meeting

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A new e-book published

A new e-book for learning basic signs in Estonian Sign Language has been published. The book is meant for small Deaf children and their parents to improve and ease the communication in everyday situations. It includes a vocabulary for simple everyday activities, equipped with thematical audio and video files.

The book can be found (via Google Chrome brauser) at:

Thank you for the support to Tallinna Sotsiaal- ja Tervishoiuamet!

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KLÕPS at the FEAPDA council meeting

On the 6th of October KLÕPS attended the FEAPDA council meeting for the first time as a member of the organisation. Besides Estonia, member organisations from Great Britain, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and Macedonia were also present at the meeting. The meeting was busy and fruitful, it was inspiring to meet our colleagues from other parts of Europe.

The next meeting will take place in September 2019 in Macedonia, where also the next FEAPDA congress will be held.

Looking forward to new meetings and cooperation.

A moment from the council meeting

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