Social Haptics

In September 2019 KLÕPS started a new 3-year Erasmus+ project – Social Haptic Signs for Deaf and Blind in Education – together with the Swedish, Portuguese and Italian partners with the main focus on the deafblind audience. The partners will suplement the Spreadthesign dictionary ( with social haptic signs used in their countries and make them freely accessible for everyone in need, to improve the communication and education of the deafblind and the quality of work of their teachers, interpreters and ohter professionals. In addition, the Finnish Sign Language production will be increased up to the level of 15 000 words/signs.

A moment from the kick-off meeting in Sweden

We are extremely happy that the initiators of the social haptic system – Riitta Lahtinen ja Russ Palmer have agreed to cooperate with us during this project as well.

For more information about the social haptic system visit


Examples of social haptic signals