Supporting networking

In 2016. the Estonian Innove Foundation announced a round for applying funding for educational networking, educational leadership and professional learning communities. The funding aimed on helping to support the capacity and sustainability of professional networks, develop their role and tasks in connection with supporting the professional development of teachers and leaders of the educational institutions in order to help to establish modern learning approaches, fulfillment of the curriculum and raise professionalism. The funding was available under the program  „Pädevad ja motiveeritud õpetajad ning haridusasutuste juhid“ action „Õpetajate ja koolijuhtide professionaalse arengu toetamine“.

Our association applied to the mentioned program and was approved to get funding for organizing a local educational day for the teachers of Deaf children. The event focused on the development of social skills in Deaf children, the topic was presented by visiting lecturers from Sweden (Marek Meristo) and Great Britain (Garry Morgan).




The project was funded by:
