Category Archives: Määratlemata
A new e-book for learning Estonian Sign Language released
In the end of the last year KLÕPS released a new e-book meant for learning the basics of the Estonian Sign Language. The target group of the book is the hearing impaired pre-schoolers and their parents and the aim is … Continue reading
A new project got started
In September 2019 KLÕPS started a new 3-year Erasmus+ project – Social Haptic Signs for Deaf and Blind in Education – together with the Swedish, Portuguese and Italian partners with the main focus on the deafblind audience. The partners will … Continue reading
The 25th FEAPDA congress in North-Macedonia
On September 26th-28th, the 25th congress of the European Federation of Associations of Teachers of the Deaf (FEAPDA) took place in Skopje, the capital of North-Macedonia. The topic of the congress was “Preparing deaf learners for life and independence” and it … Continue reading