Category Archives: Määratlemata

155 years of Deaf education in Estonia

On the 23rd of December 155 years passes since the opening of the first Deaf school in Estonia, which also marks the beginning of the official Deaf education in the country. During the times there has been a lot of … Continue reading

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FEAPDA congress is approaching

Would you be interested in presenting your research, product, service or share a good practice at the 26th FEAPDA congress as a lecturer, workshop holder or a poster presenter? Or maybe you would like to support us as a sponsor? … Continue reading

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Third E-book for learning sign language

A new E-book has been launched for learning the basic Estonian and Estonian Sign Language vocabulary needed in school environment. The book “Koolilapse päev” (“A day at School”) is already a third of the kind, the previous two books –  … Continue reading

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