Category Archives: Määratlemata

150 years of Deaf education in Estonia

In 2016 the 150th anniversary of Deaf education in Estonia was celebrated. In honour of that the Estonian Deaf Union organised a thematical conference “Deaf education on the crossroads” (“Kurtide haridus teelahkmel“). A summary and presentations of the conference can … Continue reading

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FEAPDA congress in Luxembourg

The European Federation of Associations of Teachers of the Deaf (FEAPDA) is an organization, which was founded in 1969 and brings together associations of teachers of the Deaf from all over Europe. The aim of FEAPDA is to represent and … Continue reading

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ICED 2015

In June 2015 the International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) – „Educating Diverse Learners: Many Ways, one Goal„ took place in Athens, Greece. Two representatives (Piret Põllu, Raili Loit) from our association also attended the event in … Continue reading

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