FEAPDA congress in Luxenbourg

The European Federation of Associations of Teachers of the Deaf (FEAPDA) is an organization, which was founded in 1969 and brings together associations of teachers of the Deaf from all over Europe. The aim of FEAPDA is to represent and support teachers by sharing good practice through personal contacts and cooperation. To achieve this, after every two years FEAPDA organizes thematical congresses in member countries – in 2016 the congress took place in Luxembourg and the topic this time was Inclusion and what it means for deaf education.

Foto5On the invitation of the previous longtime FEAPEDA president Paul Simpson (on the picture) a member of our organization also attended this years event in order to raise professional knowledge and discuss the possibility of the Estonian association`s membership in FEAPDA. As FEAPDA was in the process of changing the policy of membership at that moment, then it was agreed that discussion in this field will continue after the new policy has been fully established.

The Estonian Association of the Teachers of Hearing Impaired Children will be looking forward to positive developments and a chance to become a member of FEAPDA.

Foto53A moment from a workshop during FEAPDA 2016 congress