Category Archives: Määratlemata
Otro síntoma del crecimiento de la enlace externo es la disfunción eréctil (impotencia), que se produce debido a la compresión de los nervios que controlan la erección. En resumen, los principales síntomas de la hiperplasia benigna de próstata son: Dolor o dificultad para orinar. Chorro urinario débil.
The work with Spreadthesign dictionary contuinues
We are happy to announce, that our work on the Spreadthesign dictionary ( will keep on going, as our application for an Erasmus+ project has been approved. The new feature in the dictionary will be the interactive 360° pictures, which … Continue reading
The new year started out for us with positive and long awaited news – our association became a member of FEAPDA, The European Federation of Associations of Teachers of the Deaf. The negotiations for joining FEAPEDA began already last autumn, but at … Continue reading
Stuff on sale
We have currently on sale the following items: 1. Estonian Sign Language ABC book (Studium 2011) 2. Flash cards for learning to sign and spell the Estonian alphabet (Studium 2013) … Continue reading